You know these days i actually spend more time with my classmates! Yesterday after my one hour lesson in school, i went out with lionel and weijian. and watch movie. Rarely do i go out with them. certainly will hope to go out w them more often. (so lionel can stop kp-ing.) i was informed about the new year aka zk itp over countdown meetup we having at dunno wad date with those not so close aldr buddies. i mean.. i certainly drifted from them for quite a long time. and i actually pondered for awhile whether to go for it because i feel it might be odd to suddenly see them all again and talking cock again. i dunno i will have any convo or topic to talk about with them or not. its like.. long lost friend finally meeting up. but i agreed, and we shall see from there bah.. Remember the thai trip i blogged about sometime ago.. i still wanna go but i know its impossible becos of its price and dear cannot go. what shame. a chalet will replace the trip but i dont know what we can do over there.. because i can be sure the guys/gals ( eva,xinyi,zk, bla bla) will sure wanna play mahjong and ya know its bored if we kant have some activity and we will rot whole day.. dont know will it be fun.. And also! FO camp. i am still feeling odd odd about going to this camp because i dun really know the year one peeps and i dunno i am prepare to constipate for so many days ( i hate dirty toilets.) i dunno will it be fun neither. lol. my life is full of doubts! After graduation! i dun really know what path should i take after army. i know i kant go to NTU or NUS. i have no desire to continue the path of engineering neither. so now i am thinking of going into IT ( which is the course i wanted so much during JAE but wengxian just have to beat me to it) of cos a diploma and den hopefully to do well and get an degree but by then i will be very old le.. will it really be a wise choice to step into society so late into your life? BUt i know i kant find a job which is electronics related cos i know perfectly well i dun like them. but spending another 3 years for a IT diploma is not something entertaining... feeling a little confused at the moment but ya know.. i will continue to think and see what path is the best i should take. AND ALSO! lol. this is random. yesterday i found out the 芝麻糊 is really not nice. lol! it looks creamy, blackie, and smell nice. but well it tasted like URGHH. lol. maybe different ppl like different stuffs. Mango pomelo sago is nice tho. Next up! Wed: Report doing for fyp.. zzz. THurs: Out with classmates for gathering Exercise days with club ppls okay. bye! 爱不单行 - 罗志祥 找不到人说心里的寂寞 找不到人都怕黑得沉默 找不到命中注定在一起的那个人 很多人都笑我 一个人过生活 爱 只有简单笔画 却比想象复杂 很安定爱变化 我爱过几个人 也被爱过几遍 却还是没能将幸福留下 爱 是不可输的吗 为何我还相信 她不是独行侠 我在等一个人 在等我的永恒 告诉我爱不单行别害怕 用不完身边泛滥的自由 开始怕孤单是一种诅咒 羡慕我能飞的人为何在天黑以后 还是宁愿回到 爱情那个枷锁 爱 只有简单笔画 却比想象复杂 很安定爱变化 我爱过几个人 也被爱过几遍 却还是没能将幸福留下 爱 是不可输的吗 为何我还相信 她不是独行侠 我在等一个人 在等我的永恒 告诉我爱不单行别害怕 爱 是不可输的吗 为何我还相信 她不是独行侠 我在等一个人 在等我的永恒 告诉我爱不单行别害怕 我在等一个人 在等我的 永恒 告诉我爱不单行相信她 Lucky i dun have such parents: i am bored. and i am going to sleep aldr! :D bye eh ver ry buhh diii kthxbye. happy to say, SPINNOVEX 2010 is finally over... as for now... FYP is half officially over! lol. these few days really tiring cos i have to wake up early... and spend 7 meaningless hours in t15 with my project.. this is so.. irritating... but ok. its over. but school is starting and it means results gonna come back. i know i will surely fare real badly for ic testing... HAIS. lol. as for the rest i really have no idea yet at the moment but we shall see it tml.. but i guess i wouldnt be more nervous than those collecting their o lvls results tml? yawn... i hope this time round i can be more hardworking and go to every morning classes yeah? i shall get some coffee sweet so that i will stay awake for lectures... damn.. and i hope i wont pon lessons when my frens pon them. lol. COOL school starts tml! lol i got a present for dear. but it benefits me! wahaha. kthxbye. Today is the first time i used a pad. yes.. the one girls uses when their best friend comes visits. lol.. omg i better xplain before ppl start thinking i am a sick person. today i bot a bottle of pepsi and i took a straw thinking i can drink it using the straw. den i gey kiang put the straw at the cap place and force cap it. and it wasnt water tight at all! and it leaked all over my bag. and worst i dint know ZINC bag has quite a formidable water resistant function. so it became a big puddle of pepsi inside my bag.. around 1/4 of the pepsi inside my bag flowing around. and i only have 2 packets of tissue. i know this is good game liao. and here comes the PAD to the rescue. liying suggested to use the pad xD and so i took it and i swear it sucked the pepsi away omg. its really super absorbent OMG! its really cool! lololol. and so now you know how the pad saved my life today :D today is a fun day! (: Spinnovex ending in 4 days (: lol it havent start yet even! kthxbye. :D been rotting these days... been happy these days... Prison break Season 4 is getting nice... lol. so lag.. ppl finish le i still watching second episode.. and a bunch of criticism on season 4... but guess wad, i find it quite nice to watch so far leh! will definitely feel sian when it finishes.. and then maybe i start on HEROES. lolol. Time passes so fast man. now 2010. its like the first time i blogged was like so long ago back in secondary 2? now.. -_-" but heartening to know although readership has been bad. cos i no chio bu nor a shuai and rich young towkay nor a legend in SP. but wengxian still comes back to read you know. he must be bored enough to do that tho. right wengxian? lol. nevertheless. keeping blog is not really because i want other people to read my life. or want people to read. its actually something like blogging for my ownself. for me to remember wad am i doing when i am THIS age. well something like that lol.. Well 2009 has gone. 2010 had come. means we onli have 2 years to live before 2012 comes.. like i have been saying... lol.. please do wad u wanna do now before u dun have a chance to.. ya'll get wad i mean lol. And when it comes to 2010 resolutions for the new year. i think its rather stupid to be wishing for something within your control.. things like u wanna buy something, u wanna be less fat, u wanna be more sociable, u want to own zhangkai in dota, u want to be as muscular as shunfa, u wanna be as rich as daniel (my classmate), its useless cos u have to work hard and u will get them. wishing for world peace is something said by Miss Universe when they are out of subjects and creativity. and so.. my new year resolution would be: To win toto 5 million prize. thank you and bye bye. |
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