My girlfriend Ng Liying looks like:![]() :D will post a picture of her w her recent haircut.. look like an apple sia! bye people! Caught a show with my bro on his newly bought monitor! hahaha.. :D its called: 请别非礼我 its a korean show and its has no rape scenes or whatsoever.. just that this girl working in a company got sexual harassment from her boss.. the boss touch her butt.. hahahha!! and this girl, unlike the other girls in the company.. decided to pursue the matter.. and her boyfren.. discourage her from doing so... and this makes me very angry.. how can the boyfriend allow such things to happen.. and still dun support her in pursuing the matter?! somemore he knows that the boss touched his gf de butt sia! and den the girl take the boss to the court but kant find any witnesses for herself cos her colleagues are all too scared of the boss! EVEN THE BOYFREN YES! and kind of hate such scenes where bf are so uselesssssssss.... i say to myself... if this happens to me.. i surely will dun care abt my job and help her testify in court de lo! BUT.. again.. i hope this never happens to dear.. (: altho i heard there is a bian tai lecturer on the lurk in SP... dun really know the name yo.. but hope he doesnt continues his leacher antics again he will really get his sack sooner or later.. i really hate leachers!!!!! even tho there shd be no female ones.. lols.. but i hate people ogling at girls yo.. i mean at their legs, buttock or boobs.. SHAME ON YOU.! enough ranting... (: 8th month coming!!!~~ and i still love Ng Liying so much.. love to the max yo! (: 坚强的太久好疲惫。 Acting strong for too long is really tiring 想抱爱的人沉沉的睡. Just want to hug the girl i love most to sleep. hello people! bye people! 罗志祥爱转角 我伪装着 不露痕迹的想在你身边 静静的陪着看着天边 骑着单车 往前行进着 某个路口爱在等着 你往前走 不回头看了记忆的笑脸 缓缓的敲着我的琴键 我不舍得 让你孤单单的 我爱你的心牵挂着 心不再拚命躲不去害怕结果 假设有个以后你会怎么说 一直想跟你说幸福不再溜走 下个路口你会看见爱 有美丽笑容 爱转角遇见了谁是否有爱情的美 爱转角以后的街能不能有我来陪 爱转角遇见了谁是否不让你流泪 也许陌生到了解让我来当你的谁 我不让爱掉眼泪不让你掉眼泪 现在永远 你就是我就是我的美 歌词提供~~lck ☆爱转角遇到了51lrco~-~o 心不再拚命躲不去害怕结果 假设有个以后你会怎么说 一直想跟你说幸福不再溜走 下个路口你会看见爱 有美丽笑容 爱转角遇见了谁是否有爱情的美 爱转角以后的街能不能有我来陪 爱转角遇见了谁是否不让你流泪 也许陌生到了解让我来当你的谁 我不让爱掉眼泪不让你掉眼泪 现在永远 你就是我就是我的美 爱转角遇见了谁是否有爱情的美 爱转角以后的街能不能有我来陪 爱转角遇见了谁是否不让你流泪 将寂寞孤单作废让我来当你的谁 我不让爱掉眼泪不让你掉眼泪 现在永远 你就是我就是我的美 为什麽你轻易俘虏我的心 我却难以将你的目光拉近☆ Its freaking 4.27am now.. and i am still awake.. no i am not having insomnia... i am just studying my maths... and i dun tink i am planning to sleep at all becos my test starts at 1030am and i dun tink i want to risk oversleeping... had 2 cups of coffee and its currently working pretty fine for me.. :D not tired at all :D test ends at 12pm.. and i guess a good reward for my hardwork ( no matter how the results turns out) would be for me to meet her bah.. but i guess i shdnt be so optimistic abt it in case she kant make it and i will just feel so SAD! :( den nvm can go home sleep lor! :D optismistic abit lah.. no more emoing liao -.-! Yes i am having some break now and i dun want to play game cos i dun want to waste too much time... and of cos i cannot lie on my bed in case i fall asleep... and so i decided maybe i blog liao den go back study! :D MY 3 WEEKS HOLS ARE COMING!! =D hahaha... so thats why i say tests and exams are something we shd look forward to.. cos hols are just right after them!! xD rights? optimistic lah peoples! next sem doing itp liao.. and i havent settle the itp thingy.. shd i find my own company? or shd i let sch decide? but i kant tink of anyone that can help me find a company to work at... Zk? i tink alot ppl asking him liao.. shdnt bother him too much also.. but sch plan de i cannot take leave or anything for camp leh! hahaha.. take MC instead? shall see shall see.. :) DILEMMA! shd i go back to study aldr?!!!?! :( guess i should.. bye people... guess its one month b4 my next post :D bye! |
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