Went to PEOPLES PARK to book japan tour :D its on october 5th :D sorry peoples.. i will have to see whether i have money to spend or not. or else only can buy stuffs for darling le. :X hahaha.. BIAS-ness got a pair of shoes :) had dinner b4 heading back :D Got this from frenster bulletin: 1) Guys may be flirting around all day, but before they go to sleep, they always think about the girl they truly care about.... 2) Guys are more emotional than you think, if they loved you at one point, it'll take them a lot longer then you think to let you go, and it hurts every second that they try. 3) Guys go crazy over a girl's smile(: 4) A guy who likes you wants to be the only guy you talk to. 5) Giving a guy a hanging message like "You know what?..uh...nevermind.." would make him jump to a conclusion that is far from what you are thinking. And he'll assume he did something wrong and he'll obsess about it trying to figure it out. 6) If a guy tells you about his problems, he just needs someone to listen to him. You don't need to give advice. 7) A usual act that proves that the guy likes you is when he teases you. 8) GUYS LOVE YOU MORE THEN YOU LOVE THEM!!! 9) Guys use words like hot or cute to describe girls. They rarely use beautiful or gorgeous. If a guy uses that, he loves you or likes you a whole heck of a lot. 10)If the guy does something stupid in front of the girl, he will think about it for the next couple days or until the next time he spends time with the girl. 11)If a guy looks unusually calm and laid back, he's probably faking it and he is really thinking about something 12) When a guy says he is going crazy about the girl, he really is Guys rarely say that 13)When a guy asks you to leave him alone, he's just actually saying, "Please come and listen to me 14)If a guy starts to talk seriously, listen to him. It doesn't happen that often, so when it does, you know something's up. 15) When a guy looks at you for longer than a second, he's definitely thinking something. 16) Guys really think that girls are strange and have unpredictable decisions and are MAD confusing but somehow are drawn even more to them 17)A guy would give the world to be able to read a girl's mind for a day. 18)No guy can handle all his problems on his own. He's just too stubborn to admit it 19)NOT ALL GUYS ARE RUDE!!! Just because ONE is RUDE doesnt mean he represents ALL of them 20)WHEN A GUY SACRIFICES HIS SLEEP AND HEALTH JUST TO TALK TO YOU, HE REALLY LIKES YOU AND WANTS TO BE WITH YOU AS MUCH AS POSSIBLE 21)Even if you dump a guy months ago and he loved you he probably still does and if he had one wish it would be you to come back into his life *Those in red are those i tink are true Bye peoples :D HAPPY DAY! :D went to school to find piggy girl.. and i brought the super heavy lappy to school for her to play CS lmao.! but its worth it cos it makes her happy and i love seeing her expression when she got killed. alrighto... den left to TB plaza to catch : ![]() den after movie we came out.. walk around :D den piggy girl kind of got tired and dint know where to go.. and THEN I SPOTTED A BIG BANNER. it reads : DONUT FACTORY and that piggy girl got so excited and practically jumping in joy.. hahah. and so we went and i got the piggy girl some donuts and she was smiling like she got gold from me. LOL. not like i am complaining :D got down some place under a block to sit and enjoy donuts.. den whip out my lappy again to let her play CS. hahha. she is addicted lol... den home we go!! tml we going out for shopping wooooo.! going to get something at last :D and u know wad.. dad got me hairspray sia.. den i say wahhhhh so good buy spray for me when its depleting ar! and he say: very cheap.. onli 6+ so i bot 2." DIAO! lol... typical uncle but wahahha.. i benefited from his uncle-ness. lol. ok thats about all.. woots. :D bye ppl! Tml is the last paper OMG YEAH!! after that is HOLIDAYS :D shdnt harp too much on the holiday topic or darling will throw knives at me. hahahaha. o rights. so wad to blog. nothing to blog actually. just that i came across a interesting email.. which i decided to blog it out: ![]() LOL and this: ![]() erm. not saying its true lah... so offended de WOMAN. please dun come find me thanks :D btw.. i suppose to be studying so yeah.. bye ppls! :D New blog song.. although i dont really know the meaning.. have a look at the lyrics :D if any part wrong dun blame me.. search from net one.. and i dunno if is wrong or right haha. 左右无缘 今晚 懷疑又與你撞見 可惜 霓虹在剎那停電 恐 明明重遇再見 仍然持續斷線 至死都不碰見 傾側 全城在探索伏線 可惜 浮城未見你浮現 只怪 環遊時代數遍 環遊無盡旅店 你總走得快半點 交叉點差得太遠 城內互相兜圈 提早半秒 遲多半秒 遲早怎麼計算 次當我直去當你右轉總不可相遇 彼此世界咫尺天涯同留下半生緣 與你相距就算不夠六吋但命運\很遠 每個路段 相差幾吋 還憑甚麼抱怨 猜測 繁榮鬧市你路過 火車 懷疑是與你同坐 不過 途人迎面蓋過 無從凝視你我 碰到的都錯過 尖東 人潮在聖誕直播 推測 人潮內有你同賀 給我 全場人類見過 原來還是錯過 眷戀還是錯過 眷戀只不過錯摸 差一點差得更遠 原地又兜一圈 同一店舖 同一市鎮 何解相差太遠 每次當我直去當你右轉總不可相遇 彼此世界咫尺天涯同留下半生緣 與你相距就算不夠六吋但命運\很遠 每個路段 相差幾吋 還憑甚麼抱怨 Happy 4th month with darling! :D went to her hse.. study whole day :D a pretty productive day cos we keep on study.. woots (: I LOVE YOU DARLING =D 伯乐 爱你的那一个 伤你的那一个 谁才是你爱情中的伯乐 放弃了这一个 然后等待著下一个 最后哪一个让你最舍不得 感谢不能让别人来说 你给过我的 她们是做不到的 那时候的幸福是真的 虽然过去了 我们也都经历了 释怀教育著仇恨 和平劝著天下人 故事发生了便住下了 不管好的坏的 你让我成长了 就算是痛得值得 爱你的那一个 伤你的那一个 谁才是你爱情中的伯乐 放弃了这一个 然后等待著下一个 一个个过客过得快不快乐 爱你的那一个 伤你的那一个 谁才是你爱情中的伯乐 放弃了这一个 然后等待著下一个 别太多过客祝你早日快乐 离开时别忘了 看看眼前的人 流泪记住了 还是微笑祝福著
yeah i know i said it would be my last post aldr (: but yet here i am blogging :D i was just studying microcontrollers and now i decided to have a break. and while i was studying. i was listening to.... songs :D and i begin to think and think and think... it would be unfair to say that i was just thinking towards the bad side. i am not exactly a pessimist but i do think towards the negative sides smtimes. alot of things happened. or i shd rephrase it. alot of simplest of simple things happened. and it had me thinking. nah wont talk abt it anymore :D microcontroller suddenly looked SOOO interesting! :D why i say so.. becos i find that as long as i rmb each pins functions.. its more like quite easy le leh! hahaha! =D i hope i can get good marks for MCT! its a short post yeah. for a long one.. wait till after exam! :D byebye. exams coming. stress building. camp coming. jiayou year ones! responsibility coming. jiayou junhong! 4th month coming. happy liying and junhong :) hahaha. wad am i talking. okay. exams are coming as most poly students should know. the semester is ending!! :) can u believe it? i almost kant believe it! one whole semester has gone. okay. wad more to say. i would say this week wasnt the best week i have. alot of stuffs happened and how happy i am that everything is finally over and i am once again as gay (happy lah) as b4! lalala! have been listening to JAM de songs. i think they are pretty okay to me! :) seriously altho darling like aska more. but i seemed to like jam more than aska. but of cos. yoga is the best among them three! :) i sound like a uncle... discussing abt all these le LOL! just change my blogsong! to a song sang by jam! :) have time have a listen at another song call: 奋不顾身 that song is written by my fav: 曹格! LOL! ok lah.. i tink i might not blog for the exam period as well as study week. so. treat this as the last post b4 that lalala. :) jiayou everyone taking exams. =D hahahha. cya guys around! mmm. back to blogging? i wont use words to bore all of you again. i am kinda lazy to blog too. err. ytd was the 100 day darling and me got tgt. went to her hse and pass her the card i made. i forget to take some pics of it but here is wad she did for me. ![]() ![]() i distorted the words so those odd parts supposed to be messages for me! (: ![]() ![]() lalala. den she made hotdog+egg prata for me. lol i ate two! :x den we went downstairs to study. took some photos. some are ugly ( or all )but i decided to post all lol. its okay. i not handsome to begin with. ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() and those year 2 in cadc that helped out it CADC debate! ok end here. less words liao. so dun complain! cya guys soon! |
![]() Junhong Just a blog. Don't think so much. archives
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