Because of several complaints. i decided to change my blog skin already. edited skin. so u kant find this skin anywhere sorry. LOL. as in i know nobody wants it anyway. haha. abit simple but simplicity is beautiful :x anyway woke up at 9+ to prepare go dear's hse. reach there at 12 and we watch some cartoons. lol. watch all the way to 3pm bah. and den i got a SMALL nap (: after that went to compass point. dear bot a starhub prepaid SIM. and den she said she wanted to go to her uncle hse aldr. and i asked her whether she can stay on awhile more. she said YES! (: so we went to a playground look alike place. and we use the facilities there awhile b4 we sat down. and started to talk =D had another hour with dear b4 sending her to the busstop. den i went to compass point burger king to have my dinner there. den i took train home (: reached home and was editing the blogskin already hahaha. but of cos. while editing. i was watching this show: GREAT TEACHER ONIZUKA. its good xD ppl who are bored and never watch this show b4. GO WATCH! its nice. ok shall end here bye ppls (: i guess i never had those "self discipline" kind of stuffs with me to begin with. seriously i am so disappointed. when i got the results while i was still doing the fo camp. i told myself. Year 1 has been a total flop. altho i barely scrape thru to year 2. and i reminded myself time and again. i must study hard for year 2. i must not let wad happen in year 1 happen again. when the new term started. For the 1st few days, i am still very enthu. but after that. somehow everyhing died off. and den back to my slacking personality again. i just couldnt get it right. i am a student. my role in this world is to study. but yet time and again i disappoint myself. when the 3 weeks holidays came. i told myself. after this hols, it will be mst. i told myself that i must study no matter wad. For the 1st week. it was the sub comm camp which i told myself not to go. but ended up going. after that i told myself. for the 1st week. i shall play hard and dun care about studies. 2nd week den start. 2nd week came and i did not even touch the book. 3rd week came and altho i did touch the books and started studying, it was aldr too late i guess. now mst i know i will not do well. and so i will start to think. semestral exam do well jiu can le ma. but WILL I REALLY DO THAT? it will be a no if i continue to NOT have the self discipline. today i went into the exam room. with formulas floating all over my mind. when i sat down. i realised. actually i forgot most of the formulas aldr. i was at total despair. i dint know wad to do actually. should i just raise my hand and tell the lecturer that i finish my paper aldr? With the paper most of the qns not done? i have no idea at all. i guessed without practice, u just kant get the formulas into ur mind. thats the 1st ever time i felt so "dunno wad to do" i guessed i had it coming and i have no one to blame. right. i have 75 percent more to acheive. i hope i can really do well for my labtests and semestral exam. i must beg myself aldr. study hard aldr. 8 more weeks it will be the exams. you dun have much time already, Lim Junhong. okay. woke up at 10am actually but snoozing all the way. woke up by dear's sms. knocked consciousness into me and i woke up to began studying maths. study study study... den i begin to think. i really dunno how to do the questions. i really gonna fail. reached school and den went into the exam room. sat down and began to write. write. paused. paused. think. omg i dunno the answer! now i tink i just hope that i will not flunk it that badly ): because unfortunately, there is no labtest for maths -.- met up with dear and went kfc to makan. yh joined us too. den went back to club and i helped her do her club secretary work. call me the asst secretary please :D nah joking. dun take it seriously. because i tink she is doing a good job and i dun tink she ever need an assistant. i tink more of a helper is needed lol. finished her work and den sended her to outram as usual. den came home. onlined for awhile and den was planning to watch: GREAT TEACHER ONIZUKA! lol but in the end. guess wad i did. i fall asleep on the chair. its not exactly comfy so i guessed i must be pretty tired to fall asleep like that. woke up slightly before 11pm. went to bath and study. DEAR ME why am i blogging?! because! i am trying to remember the freaking formulas as i type. -.- omg no FORMULA BOOK! kill me people. kill me please. LOL. after tml paper it will be my last paper and i will be FREE!! okay. shall end here and get back to the stupid formula list i compiled. :x die liao. wish me luck ppls! thanks for relinking guys! i have put some recent post over. =D time to start anew my blog :D the past is no longer impt. what important is the future that lies ahead (: so once again. thanks if u decided to relink me (: HAPPY 2 MONTH (: POSTED ON AT 2:34 AM \ leave a comment (0)
i love my girlfriend. (:enough said. bye ppls. Woke up 1st thing in the morning. and was sitting up thinking. i need to top up my hp or else i wont be able to msg darling anymore =( so dere u go, i began counting my money. den suddenly i had an idea. i heard of those singtel prepaid pay 28 for 100 buck deal. suddenly i tot i changing my mobile operator to singtel =D smiley! but that would mean i need to inform alot ppl. SO MA FAN! den i told mum abt it. she said " aiyoh M1 also got lah? why singtel?" den i was thinking. omfg. lousy starhub. WHY DUN HAVE DE?! den i went onto starhub webbie something like tis greeted me: ![]() lol. instant. 100 bucks for local sms and calltime. translate into sms+bonuses, i will need to send like 3000 msges in 2 months time. translate into talk time. will will need to talk 21 hours in 2 months time. u say do i have a reason to smile anot lah! haha! nonono i am not uncle. i am just smiling becos i know i no need to pay my hp top up card for the next 2 month aldr. dats like so relieving for my financial, which honestly, has been pretty tight. so thanks le starhub! wahaha! today. did meaningful stuffs like studying. clearing up my room again. convo btw my mum and me: Me: ma!!! u see this deodorant. nice to smell right? ( spray some on her arms.) Mum: mmm wah not bad. who give you one? Me: hahaha. friend lor. Mum: huh female de ah? Me: Of cos lah. got which guy so gay will gimme such things de? Mum: wah female sia. Why she give u? Me: mmm cos she always say me smelly leh. Mum: huh? your girlfriend ah? why she everyday smell u one? Me: dunno leh. she likes to smell me one. LOL. and den study and slack study and slack. just now went to garden slacked. breathe in fresh air. THE NIGHT HAS CLEARED UP! hehe! and its time to study aldr! hahaha! ok lah bye ppls cya all soon. i was looking at the serene night. thinking: oh how so peaceful can it be. i mean. without a single noise. nothing to distract me. it somehow clears my mind. of everything. practically i have been trying so hard to clear my mind off EVERYTHING. studies. family problems. friendships. relationships. only me and me in this world. yeah i tink it helped when i look at the sky tonight. i guess it did. a little. made me happy. because i suddenly felt so light like never b4. like nothing to make me worry. sad. angry. and even, happy. crazy huh. but too bad. things just goes back to reality and i really have to face up to it. sometimes i eat every sad things that happen around me the moment they come to me. because i dun want anyone that feels concerned about me worried that i might be troubled. and of cos i guess that applies to everyone else out there. but the thing will be. sometimes i would eat too much until i... but things do happen! and den u will know. who are really ur best friends that stood by you when u r in need. who are those fake ones who shun away the moment u need them. who are those that gained your respect. your trust. your friendship. and those who lost some or all of them. why am i typing all this? i emphasize i am not emo. maybe most ppl will think i am becos of the genre of this post. but really i am not. =) i have realised mine in this serene night. have you even started thinking yet? =) Tsk Lim Junhong uh. who really understands him. or u tot u did but in actual fact, its just his outer self? i've been trying very hard to be a good person, with good personality. but maybe i am not up to the mark yet. maybe i am not the person you tot i am. =) today went out with dear. woke up at 9am due to bro's excessive noise den slacked awhile. started on my toast at 12 i tink. heh. and den finish it and pack it into a lunchbox :x den went off to lakeside to find dear. she came all the way down to jurong! TOUCHED! xD bot tickets for kungfu panda and den walked around abit. den watched kungfu panda! heh heh. very funny!!~ laugh so many alot times cos of the clumsy behavior of the dumb panda. hahaha. waited for the credits to end in the end -.- make me so disappointed lol! finished movie! den took train to orchard. dear need to find her friend to take back phone. den shunbian walked around abit. den trained to sengkang. had macdonalds =D den sended her to busstop and watched her go =( got kinda emotional. something i hadnt felt so much in the previous times. maybe it was the tot that i kant see her for a week most probably that make me kinda SIAN to see her take bus and be on her way home xD but well. overall a happy day out. and i must be studying hard aldr!! MST week right after next week holidays!! ROAR! i hope i can set my mind down and concentrate =) study study! i am going to be in school library or outside library studying real hard!! and maybe find dear sometimes for lunch. =x ROAR! end ppl (^^,) heh. after a fight ytd. i tot i shd post a friendlier post to push that post down. haha. ok. so woke up at 10+ today. and den prepared to go dear's house to cook the tang yuan i promised her. LOL. and so took train to punggol plaza and met her up there. went up to buy some soya bean milk and den headed to her hse. heh. and i am like so clumsy lah. keep forget this forget that. in the end when the tang yuan is cooked, all split le and those fillings come out -.- ROAR! but still continue to cook. boil the soya bean and den put the tang yuan in. stir awhile more and SERVE! wahaha. ok lah. it wasnt well cooked i know but as long as someone appreciates it den good liao. heh. den i snatched her bed to sleep =x lols. and den my stomach started growling lah. so dragged her to plaza sing to eat. haha. went to walk walk around with her 1st. heh. den to burger king to eat. after the so called dinner went to walk again. this pig called liying got emo cos she kant touch her samsung SOUL. LOLS. hope she doesnt see this. that noob. hahaha =x den sended her back to hougang and let her take her bus. den trained home by myself. DAY WELL SPENT! =D even tho its just like soooo simple but yet at least both of us is happy! =D heh heh. that pig. -.- i tink i am like dreaming aldr. closing comp after blogging. bye ppls! =D Happy Birthday NG LIYING! ![]() and of cos to WENGXIAN and YIYANG as well =) off i go to camp aldr! bye ppls
Going to sub comm camp tml! so 1st will blog b4 i leave! hahaha! Yesterday: woke up at 11+ was downloading mayday song till 2am in the morning. den rotted and chatted with ethel, chengteng, celia on msn. hahaha! they were at the same place yet i chat with them at the same time. haha. Den continue to rot till... 3+ went off to clementi to meet dear. and luckily i decided to leave my house 1st b4 she msg me. and i was earlier than her! hahaha! den went off to buy mac and den went to buy her camp stuff. den she need to go already! So sended her to sengkang to take bus to her uncle house. den made my way to kallang. on the way super emo. but i tink its ok aldr. =D oh by the way.. queued up to watch Singapore match at kallang stadium. lose dao siao. 7-3. and a stupid corner goal. -.- lmao! i tink lionel lewis played really bad! actually i agreed with thomas. onli wilkinson really played well. haha. =D den they wanted to go eat at geylang there. but i went home instead cos family is nagging me aldr. so walked to kallang station alone and trained alone. alone alone alone. reached home. cleared my study table and put my laptop on it. Play some dramas while i whipped out the materials and started on dear's birthday card. actually it was aldr 45 pct done before i start on it. and i told myself if i never finish. i cannot sleep! hahaha! and i finally finished it at 4am =D den went to sleep le lor! =D Today! woke up at 11am because of dear de msg. pretty happy that she is feeling happy on her bdae eve. rofl. theres cake for her, wengxian and farris. =D too bad i kant be there =( maybe thats the reason why i am emoing now (12.10pm) oh rights! den watch drama till around 2pm. made my way to jp to get some wrapping paper. den came back. watched drama and did a self made envelop to put the card in. heh heh. den dinner was PORRIDGE! =D and den i slept from 7 till now. 9pm! hehe. den came and blog. later going pack bag. later going wrap gift. roar i am bored! =D bye ppls. really do hope i will enjoy the camp. cos u know ppls, the thing i hate most: CAMP!!! haha bye! went to swim today. and den went to shop. and then john treat me dinner.. and i went home. superrrr sian now. i dunno why. nono not emo. just sian. i never had such problems last time. but why now so much problems pop out? something must be wrong. am tired to find out what it is. let time slowly show bah. roars bored. bye ppl. off to let my creativity run wild again =) and hope something nice pop out again wahaha! =) |
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